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Cloth Nappy FAQs

Do babies feel wet in cloth nappies?

Generally, no. Babies all have different sensitivity to wetness but choosing your fabric and nappy type can help you get around most issues with sensitivity. Most modern nappies use very absorbent materials which wick away moisture well and can feel quite dry against the skin. Fleece liners are also great for maintaining a dry feel.

Some babies really don’t mind and happily sit in their nappy whatever state it’s in with no adverse effects like nappy rash. They’re the ones you have to chase around the house to change a poo! Some babies demand to be changed as soon as they’ve done anything in their nappy. Generally it seems to be more about the child’s preference than the type of nappy they’re in!

Plus side of cloth nappies - if you have a child who likes a fresh bum they you’re going to save thousands of nappies from landfill but making the swap!

Did you know the NHS website advises that you change young babies 10-12x a day and older babies 6-8x day. If you change washable nappies with this frequency you’re very unlikely to have issues with baby reacting to wetness.

Do babies get more nappy rash in cloth nappies?

There have been a few studies trying to answer this question. The basic answer seems to be that there is no correlation between nappy type and nappy rash. Some children are more prone to nappy rash than others, whatever type of nappy they use, and some factors increase the risk of nappy rash. For example, leaving babies in poo nappies too long before changing, diarrhea/ illness, teething, not wiping well between nappy changes (particularly for girls).

Anecdotal evidence from those using cloth nappies is that they find much lower levels of nappy rash. This might be because natural fibres are more breathable or because users of cloth nappies tend to change more frequently and parents are often very aware of their child’s elimination rhythms. It could also be that using washable wipes with water only, is better than disposable wipes that leave behind a residue. Unfortunately there aren’t a wealth of independent studies to draw on.

A recent French study found adverse effects resulting from the high levels of certain chemicals in disposable nappies. This might suggest that using natural fibres would be much better for babies' skin.

Are cloth nappies really messy?

No. In fact in many ways they are less messy. One of my favourite things about washable nappies, particularly with little babies is that you don’t get poo explosions up the back! I will never understand why disposable nappies don’t have an elasticated waist band for infants.

Cloth nappies come in many different types but generally they are all much better at containing poo. They are elasticated at the waist and and leg. Some are even double gusseted - a fancy way of saying you have two seams of elastic protection. Two-part systems are the most bomb-proof as you have a fitted absorbent layer surrounded by a second fitter waterproof layer. Nothing is getting out of that!

The only mess point is at changing time. You need to change your set up and expectations a bit. I always change in the bathroom next to the toilet. I remove the nappy, wipe off the worst with toilet paper (or cotton wool if you prefer) and the tip / dangle / dip flush the rest down the loo. I wipe up with washable wipes then everything goes straight into the nappy bucket and from there into the washing machine. It's really not much different, and plus side, you don’t have a stinky bin!

Did you know human waste should always go down the toilet. You’re really not supposed to put it in the bin!

Are cloth nappies hard work?

Honestly, sometimes yes but largely it's about getting into a rhythm and finding the system that works for you. It will take a bit more time than whacking on a disposable that you then throw in the bin but most people who make the move feel that a little bit of time and effort is worth it.

So what's involved?

Nappy changes take about the same amount of time. Gone are the days of fighting with nappy pins. Most nappies are shaped like a disposable nappy and connect quickly with either poppers or velcro.

Wet nappies are put straight into a dry pail. If it's poo just remove as much as possible into the toilet.

There’s also no soaking or boiling any more! Simply transfer your dirty nappies to the washing machine. Put them on a cold pre-wash then a full wash cycle with detergent and sanitiser. Most people find they do a load of nappies about every other day.

Drying times and requirements can vary greatly. Some fabrics dry very quickly just hung up while others really work best tumble dried.

Prepping your nappies also varies greatly depending on type. All in ones and shaped two-part systems often need no extra prep. Pocket nappies need to be re-stuffed which can be a little time consuming.

Are cloth nappies expensive?

Yes cloth nappies can be expensive to buy initially but you will save thousands of pounds over a few years!

Buying disposables for your baby will cost you about £3000 over 2.5 years. If you want to buy a set of washable nappies you will probably need to budget £2-300.

The main thing is to do your research and know what you want to buy so you don’t waste money. ‘The Nappy Lady’ has a wealth of information.

Hiring a trial set can be a great way of trying a few different brands out. Check out your local nappy library (that’s me btw!).

Are cloth nappies actually any better for the environment?

In short, yes. They save waste from landfill. This is massive! They are made of fabric which at the end of their life can be recycled. If you look after them well most nappies can do several children. There’s a thriving market in second hand nappies online.

Some people argue that washing takes energy which makes a negative impact however studies suggest that you would need to wash all your nappies at 60 degrees and tumble dry them all to break even on energy expenditure. Most of us don’t do that.

Are cloth nappies really smelly?

Actually they’re less smelly. Washables seal in the poo smell much better and are natural fibres so cause less of a smell. If nappies do get smelly you can solve this with strip washing.

Would I have to do loads more washing?

Most people find they need to do 1 extra load of washing every other day. You’re probably washing every day with a baby in the house anyway!

I don’t want to use them all the time so it’s not worth trying right?

Even if you choose to only use them sometimes you can still save money and waste and have a positive impact on the environment. I like to feel good about every nappy I save from landfill rather than guilty about disposables I do use.

When I first started I would use disposables for days out and washables at home. This felt achievable to me. As I got more confident I started using them more out of the house.

Personally I have had limited success with nighttime nappies and have generally used a disposable overnight. I know lots of people who love washables for nighttime though.

My nursery / childminder wont want to use cloth nappies.

Have you discussed it with them? Can you get them information to help answer any of their concerns. Nurseries will probably have their policies but they should be open to discussing it with you. I know of many people who’ve successfully used washable nappies in a nursery or child-minder setting. 


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